Own your Node
on your PC
Running a blockchain node
has never been easier.
Mainnet is coming
scape home
logoOverScape is the most comprehensive node client.
Run the network, embark on the journey, and earn Over.
Testers from 127 countries
**015@gmail.comThis is my first time running a node, it was a very memorable experience. Cool features, a very good interface, and monitoring that is easy for us.
**vie@gmail.comThe UI is wonderfully designed so that anyone can operate it intuitively. This will be ready to spread to people who are not familiar with crypto!
**a65@gmail.comThis is my first experience participating in such events. Thanks to you, I became interested in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
**.24@gmail.comExtremely friendly interface. Easy to use without having to master any command lines. Fast support and good interaction with the community.
In mere moments
Effortless Blockchain Access
Introducing all-in-one console that revolutionizes the way you interact with blockchain, making it feel almost tangible.
Node with small size
Blockchain Node In your PC
Kickstart your journey as a supernormal with just a small space to run your blockchain node.
Free Entry, Simple Earnings
Become a Validator Earn OVER easily
Stand as a validator with your own node. You don't have to be a developer - welcome to a new era of blockchain empowerment
Only with Over
Other blockchains
  • Command line control
  • High resources
  • Hard to use
  • Graphics & Mouse control
  • Low resources
  • Easy to use
Download now and join Over!
Mainnet is coming soon
Join the Next Lifestyle
With Over, we all are Supernormals
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